マライア (Malaya (Maya) Ileto)
Malaya Ileto, a.k.a. Maya, is a Certified GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer and GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer. She is also certified in all the specialized equipment (Archway, Leg Extension Unit, Jumping Stretching Board and GYROTONER®). Based in Tokyo, Japan, Maya teaches in both English and Japanese at Studio Natural Flow, Tleubaev Ballet School and De Parc Ballet School. She also leads Gyrokinesis retreats and teaches Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) and Progressing Contemporary Technique (PCT) to professional dancers, adult beginners and elite ballet students.
In 2022, Maya opened Mayamoves Kominka, a boutique fitness studio in a 150-year old renovated folk house in northern Nagano. While continuing to teach in Tokyo, she also offers private sessions, teacher training courses and bespoke retreats in this mountain hideaway.