Daniel (Der-Yu) Chang
I am a licensed physical therapist, primarily focused on movement-based and varied manual approaches. Since 2008, I studied GYROKINESIS with the founder, Mr. Juliu Horvath, and various SMTs, including Dawnna Wayburne, Juergen Bamberger, Silvia Frosali, Adrianna Thompson, Erika Hassan, Mariarosa Guglielmi, Don Friedewald, Jackson Kellogg and Hsiao Fang Lee.
Since 2010, I brought GYROKINESIS methods into Taiwan's Physical Therapy community and inspired more and more therapists, movement-based trainers and dancers to incorporate the GYROKINESIS method in their regular practice.
Currenlty, I am a certified GYROKINESIS Level 1 Apprentice Master Trainer, a certifed GYROTONIC trainer, and the adjunct clinical assistant professor of the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University where I teach Pilates, GYROKINESIS classes and Fascia-based manual works for the undergraduate students.