Program Overview

In this program students learn to conduct two in-depth Gyrokinesis class formats. The 135-hour program is composed of four sequential courses. (See course information below.) Students typically begin teaching the Gyrokinesis Method in the role of “apprentice” within 3 months after beginning the program. It takes approximately 1 year to complete the full program and become a licensed Gyrokinesis Trainer.

Those who successfully complete the program are qualified to teach Gyrokinesis Level 1 exercise sequences to students in the role of Gyrokinesis Trainer. Gyrokinesis Trainers are also eligible to enroll in Gyrokinesis specialized courses and certain Gyrotonic specialized equipment courses.

Gyrokinesis Trainers complete at least one continuing education course every two years in order to expand their skills and to maintain their Gyrokinesis trademark license.

Why the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Teacher Training Program?

  • Experience an in-depth exploration of Gyrokinesis principles and Level 1 class formats with skilled Gyrokinesis Teacher Trainers.
  • Learn to teach with rhythm and flow. Develop effective tactile and verbal cueing skills that are unique to the Gyrotonic Expansion System.
  • Learn to teach the Gyrokinesis Level 1 class formats to a group class.


  • 135-hour program (4 sequential courses)
  • 3 months to become a Gyrokinesis Apprentice Trainer
  • 1 year to become a Licensed Gyrokinesis Trainer

The prices listed are for courses occurring in 2025.

Where to take a Course

Gyrokinesis teacher training courses are offered at numerous locations internationally. There are also opportunities to host a Gyrotonic teacher training course at your studio or facility. Contact Gyrotonic International Headquarters at or 570.828.0003 for more information.
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Gyrokinesis Level 1 Teacher Training Program
  • 1

    GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course


    An experienced Gyrokinesis student with a basic understanding of the Gyrokinesis Level 1 class formats. Students should take a minimum of 10 or more Gyrokinesis classes with a certified Gyrokinesis Trainer prior to registering for this course.


    To provide a foundational understanding of the Gyrokinesis Level 1 exercises and prepare students physically for the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Foundation Course. During this course, students focus on gaining experience and developing a personal understanding of the exercises on the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Pre-Training Course exercise list.

    Upon successful completion

    Once students have successfully completed the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Pre-Training Course, they are qualified to proceed to the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Foundation Course. The foundation course must be taken between one week and 3 months after the pre-training course. 

    Fulfills the following CECs:
    Other: NPCP- 30 CEC

    Conducted By

    A Gyrokinesis Pre-Trainer or a Gyrokinesis Master Trainer


    6 days/30 hours

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  • 2

    GYROKINESIS® Foundation Course


    Successful completion of the Gyrokinesis Level I Pre-Training Course.


    To provide a more in depth understanding of the exercises in the Gyrokinesis level 1 format 1 class and  format 2 class and to provide students with the specific skills and techniques to teach these exercise sequences to others. During this course, a Gyrokinesis Master Trainer introduces the principles, and teaching techniques underlying the Gyrokinesis level 1 exercise syllabus.

    Upon successful completion

    Once students successfully complete the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Foundation Course, they are considered a Gyrokinesis Level I Apprentice. At this stage, the Gyrokinesis Level I apprenticeship period begins and students are granted a trademark license that allows them to teach Gyrokinesis classes in the role of Apprentice. The apprenticeship license is valid for 1 year. During the one year apprenticeship, students will fulfill all apprenticeship requirements and complete the Gyrokinesis Final Certificate Course. There must be a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year between the foundation course and the final certificate course.  

    Fulfills the following CECs:
    Other: NPCP- 45 CEC

    Conducted By

    A Gyrokinesis Master Trainer


    9 days/45 hours

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  • 3

    GYROKINESIS® Apprenticeship


    Successful completion of the Gyrokinesis Level I Foundation Course


    To help apprentices review and practice the Gyrokinesis Level I Foundation Course material and prepare for the Gyrokinesis Level I Final Certificate Course.
    During the apprenticeship period, apprentices are required to take a three day Apprentices Review Course and to complete 30 “teaching client” hours. These requirements are fulfilled over a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year apprenticeship period. Apprentices complete their apprenticeship review course hours under the guidance and supervision of a Gyrokinesis Master Trainer, either in the form of a three day Gyrokinesis Apprenticeship Review Course, or by re-taking the Gyrokinesis Foundation Course.

    Upon successful completion

    Once apprentices have successfully completed all of the apprenticeship requirements, they are qualified to proceed to the Gyrokinesis Level 1 Final Certificate Course. At least two weeks must elapse between the apprenticeship review course and the Gyrokinesis Final Certificate Course. At least six months must elapse between the foundation course and the final certificate course. 

    Fulfills the following CECs:
    Other: NPCP- 15 CEC

    Conducted By

    A Gyrokinesis Master Trainer


    6-12 months

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  • 4

    GYROKINESIS® Final Certificate Course


    Successful completion of the Gyrokinesis level 1 Apprenticeship requirements. There must be a minimum of six months, and maximum of one year apprenticeship period between the foundation course, and the final certificate course.


    The purpose of this course is two-fold. It is an education course, and it is also a practical assessment of the students’ teaching skills and their understanding of the Gyrokinesis Level I curriculum. To successfully complete this course, apprentices must physically execute and demonstrate the exercises and principles from the Gyrokinesis Level I Foundation Course syllabus. Additionally, apprentices must apply the appropriate verbal cues and physical guidance to a moving person according to the Gyrokinesis Level I Foundation Course manual.

    Upon successful completion

    Upon successfully completing the Gyrokinesis Level I Certificate Course, students are considered qualified Gyrokinesis Trainers. Gyrokinesis Trainers are required to meet continuing education requirements and renew their trademark license every two years. After successful completion of the Gyrokinesis Level I Teacher Training Program, students are eligible to enroll in Gyrokinesis specialized courses.

    Conducted By

    A Gyrokinesis Specialized Master Trainer appointed by Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis International Headquarters


    3 Days/15 hours

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*These prices are for courses taken in 2025 and are subject to change. Prices do not reflect any studio fees that may be charged separately by the course host.

**Other regions: Central America, South America, Africa, Turkey, India, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon