With our International Course Finder, Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Trainers can search for continuing education credit courses by course, date and location. For questions about education and trademark licensing, contact our team at trainerstatus@gyrotonic.com.
*Successful completion of the Gyrotonic Level 1 Teacher Training Program is a prerequisite for enrollment in most Gyrotonic continuing education credit courses. Licensed Gyrokinesis Trainers are qualified to take the Leg Extension Unit, Jumping Stretching Board and Archway Courses.
CEC for Gyrotonic Trainers
Each of the following courses fulfills the continuing education requirement for certified Gyrotonic Trainers.
GYROTONIC® Applications for Breast Cancer
This course will provide Gyrotonic Trainers a basic theoretical understanding of breast cancer and some practical tools to work with clients who are living with a breast cancer diagnosis.
The theoretical understanding of Breast Cancer will include information about its origins, prevention, risk factors, anatomy, types of treatments and their consequences.
In the practical part of the course, Trainers will learn 4 customizable exercise progressions that will empower them to better serve their clients/patients. They will learn Gyrokinesis homework sequences designed specifically for this population, and they will learn 4 new programs on the pulley tower. Those four programs will build upon each other, but they can also be presented independently, depending on the needs of each client.
Fabiana Bernardes, Miriam Friedrich Honorio, Anne Thomasson
3 days/18 hours
- Europe/UK 525 Euro
- USA/Can/Asia $525 (USD)
- AUS/NZ $525 USD + $175AUD
- Other $$525 USD
GYROTONER® Program 1 Course
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, GYROTONIC® Trainers learn the GYROTONER® Format 1 sequences.
Fulfills the following CEC:
Other: NPCP- 18 CEC
GYROTONIC® Master Trainer
3 days/18 hours
- Europe/UK €630
- AUS/NZ $630 AUD+$175 USD
- Other $630 USD
GYROTONER® Program 2 Course
Successful completion of the Gyrotoner Program 1 Course
In this course Trainers learn to teach the GYROTONER® Program 2 sequences.
Fulfills the following CEC:
Other: NPCP- 18 CEC
GYROTONIC® Master Trainer
3 days/18 hours
- Europe/UK €630
- AUS $630 AUD +$157 USD
- Other $630 USD
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 1
The Gyrokinesis Cardiovascular Breathing Program, developed by Juliu Horvath, offers a path to respiratory health in uniquely designed progressions that allows each person to stay in the individual comfort zone while expanding the functional range with a sense of ease.
All circulatory systems of the human body are stimulated systematically, leading to an increase in the flow of blood, nutrients, oxygen and other gases, and as well as hormones to and from cells.
In the progression one course, the students learn the fundamentals of the movement and breathing patterns.
Length of the class format: between 45 to 60 minutes.
Upon completion of the course, trainers who don't already have a Gyrokinesis trademark license (only a Gyrotonic license) will be required to purchase and sign a Specialized Gyrokinesis Trademark License Agreement.
Fulfills the following CEC:
GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer
3 days/15 hours
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 2
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer or GYROKINESIS® Trainer.
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 1
In this course, the trainers expand on the exercises sequences covered in the Progression One Course, learning new sequences, with additional stimulation of the circulatory system while deepening the understanding of progression one. This course includes a warm up sequence for the cervical spine. From the layperson to the athlete, one can achieve progress in a short time that would otherwise require strenuous exercise routines to attain the same depth.
Length of the final class format: approx. 60 minutes
Fulfills the following CEC:
GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer
3 days/15 hours
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD +$131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 3
Licensed GYROTONIC® or GYROKINESIS® Trainer.
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 2
In this course, the trainers truly experience the statement: Movement creates breath, breath creates movement. In this course, trainers learn several new and advanced exercise sequences uniquely designed for progression three that take the path to respiratory health to a completely new level.
Length of the class format: approx. 75 minutes
Fulfills the following CEC:
GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer
4 days/24 hours
- Europe/UK €840
- AUS $840 AUD + $210 USD
- Other $840 USD
The GYROTONIC® Method- Lost and Found
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
Over the years Juliu Horvath modified the Gyrotonic Level 1 and Level 2 curriculum many times, always fine tuning and striving to make it more accessible for the students.
As part of this process, some sequences got lost over time and this Course reintroduces these treasures, such as the Creative Series and some pearls from Level 2, making them available to the new generations of trainers.
The movements are organized by theme and context. The trainers learn this as structured mini sequences that can be integrated in any session on the Gyrotonic Pulley Tower Combination Unit.
Fulfills the following CEC:
Lucrezia Caricola
3 days/15 hours
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS?NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course
Successful completion of the Gyrotonic Level 1 Pre-Training Course.
To provide a more in-depth understanding of the Gyrotonic Level 1 curriculum and provide students with the specific skills and techniques needed to teach these exercises to clients. During this course, a Gyrotonic Master Trainer introduces the teaching techniques and principles underlying the Gyrotonic Level 1 exercise syllabus and introduces the complete Gyrotonic, Level 1 exercise curriculum.
Upon successful completion
Once students successfully complete the Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Course, they are considered a Gyrotonic Apprentice. At this stage the Gyrotonic Level 1 Apprenticeship period begins and students can begin teaching the Gyrotonic level 1 exercises they have learned in the role of Gyrotonic Level 1 Apprentice. The apprenticeship license is valid for 1 year. During the one year apprenticeship period, students will finish the Gyrotonic Level 1 Apprenticeship Review Course, practice teaching hours and the Gyrotonic Final Certificate Course. Students must spend a minimum of six months in personal practice and practice teaching before they are eligible to attend the final certificate course.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP- 60 CEC
A Gyrotonic Master Trainer
Minimum 12 days/60 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $2100 USD
- AUS/NZ $2100 AUD + $525 USD
- Europe/UK €2100
- Other $**$1850 USD
GYROTONIC® Archway Level 1 Course
Gyrotonic Level 1 Trainer (or) Gyrokinesis Level 1 Trainer
In this course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn to apply Gyrotonic movement principles to exercises on the Archway.
Course schedule option #1
3 course days -1 day off - 3 course days
Course schedule option #2
2 consecutive weekends with 3 days each (Friday to Sunday + Friday to Sunday)
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP- 30 CEC
Gyrotonic Master Trainer
6 days/30 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $1050 USD
- Europe/UK €1050
- AUS/NZ $1050 AUD + $262 USD
- Other $1050
GYROTONIC® Archway Level 1 Refresher Course
Sucessful completion of Archway Level 1 Course
Fulfills the following CECs:
GYROTONIC® Master Trainer
3 days/15 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Archway Level 2 Course
Successful completion of the Archway Level 1 Course
In this course, Gyrotonic Trainers expand on the exercises sequences covered in the Archway Level 1 Course, learning new sequences, with increased strength, flexibility, and coordination challenges.
Course schedule option #1
3 course days -1 day off - 3 course days
Course schedule option #2
2 consecutive weekends with 3 days each (Friday to Sunday + Friday to Sunday)
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP- 30 CECs
6 days/30 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $1050 USD
- Europe/UK €1050
- AUS/NZ $1050 AUD + $262 USD
- Other $1050
GYROTONIC® Archway Level 2 Refresher Course
Successful completion of GYROTONIC® Archway Level 2 Course
Fulfills the following CECs:
Gyrotonic Master Trainer
3 days/15 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Jumping-Stretching Board Course
Gyrotonic Level 1 Trainer (or) Gyrokinesis Level 1 Trainer
In this course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn to apply Gyrotonic movement principles to exercises on the Jumping Stretching Board.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP- 35 CECs
7 days/35 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $1225
- Europe/UK €1225
- AUS/NZ $1225 AUD + $306 USD
- Other $1225
GYROTONIC® Jumping Stretching Board Refresher Course
In this course, Gyrotonic Jumping Stretching Board Trainers learn Juliu's most current additions, & changes to the Jumping Stretching Board course curriculum.
Gyrotonic Trainers who successfully completed the Jumping Stretching Board Course after 2009. Those who took the Jumping Stretching Board Course prior to 2009, should re-take the full Jumping Stretching Board Course for review, as there were extensive course changes in 2009.
Fulfills the following CECs:
GYROTONIC® Master Trainer
3 days/15 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $524 AUD+ $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit Course
In this course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn to apply Gyrotonic movement principles to exercises on the Leg Extension Unit
Gyrotonic Level 1 Trainer (or) Gyrokinesis Level 1 Trainer
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP- 35
6 days/30 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $1050 USD
- Europe/UK €1050
- AUS/NZ $1050 AUD + $262 USD
- Other $1050
GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit Refresher Course
Sucessful completion of GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit Course
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP- 35
GYROTONIC® Master Trainer
3 days/15 hours
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Dancers Level 1
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This course combines the kinetic fundamentals of classical and contemporary dance with the movement principles of the Gyrotonic Expansion System. This course enables both the average student and the professional dancer to understand and develop dance technique from the inside out. This holistic approach to movement teaches better body awareness, flexibility & strength, and a deeper understanding of the physiology of dance.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Miriam Barbosa and Adrianna Thompson
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- UK/Europe €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Dancers Level 2
Successful completion of the Gyrotonic Applications for Dancers Level 1 Course.
This course combines the kinetic fundamentals of classical and contemporary dance with the movement principles of the Gyrotonic Expansion System. This course enables both the average student and the professional dancer to understand and develop dance technique from the inside out. This holistic approach to movement teaches better body awareness, flexibility & strength, and a deeper understanding of the physiology of dance.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Miriam Barbosa and Adrianna Thompson
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications For Equestrians
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, trainers learn how to apply the principles and exercises of the Gyrotonic Expansion System to the equestrian client. We will practice doing and teaching exercises off the horse that will help riders perform better when mounted – exercises that can ultimately improve the way riders communicate with their horses and help keep their bodies healthy for riding. A familiarity with horse-riding is a plus, but it is not a requirement to attend the course. Specially chosen videos will help bring everyone up to speed on basic horse and horse-riding concepts and terminology, and all participants will receive a course manual.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Michelle Spinner
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for the Fascial Body
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This intensive workshop gives GYROTONIC® Trainers the means to deepen their knowledge about the interaction between the vocabulary of the GYROTONIC® Method and fascial training. In this workshop, participants hone their vocabulary and evaluation skills in a supportive group setting. Students learn to identify fundamental fascial patterns through structured assessment of the human body. Principles of anatomy, biomechanics and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation are incorporated. Students will learn to pinpoint physical efforts,to increase training selections. and to build upon concepts they're already using in their Gyrotonic sessions.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Irene Rampino, MSPT
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Golf
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
Gyrotonic Applications For Golf is a course designed by Gyrotonic creator, Juliu Horvath and David Rasmussen, PGA tour instructor, and Gyrotonic Trainer. This course will teach trainers how to utilize the Gyrotonic Expansion System in a golf specific manner, as well as how to help their clients swing better and more efficiently without injury. This course is taught by Jeanie Rasmussen, Gyrokinesis Master Trainer and Gyrotonic Pre Trainer.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Jeanie Rasmussen
3 days
- EUROPE/UK €525
- EUROPE/UK $525 AUD +131 USD
- OTHER $525
- Other $450
GYROTONIC® Applications for Healing and Rejuvenating the Hands and Feet
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
The hands and feet are the furthest parts from the brain and the first parts of the body to start to lose coordination and nerve strength. By working on these areas you are opening up all the channels to the center of the body, allowing more surrounding space for changes to happen through out the rest of the system. This course is highly beneficial for anyone who sits at the computer a lot or uses their hands for any kind of intricate work. It is also a great course for those working with arthritis and foot imbalances.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Emma Kingston, Lindsey Hansen Sturm, Victoria Limadibrata
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD +$131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for High Level Athletes
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This course prepares Gyrotonic Trainers to confidently work with athletes. Elements of the Gyrokinesis method, and Gyrotonic Level 1, and Level 2 exercises are integrated with fresh, exciting choreography to challenge athletes and advanced clients. Applications on specialized equipment are included in this course, but specialized equipment training is not a prerequisite for attendance. Sports specific dynamics are explored with tangible applications.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Angela Crowley
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $$525
GYROTONIC® Applications for the Hip and Knee
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, students will learn theories and approaches for addressing knee and hip issues from the perspective of the Gyrotonic exercise method. Basic anatomy of the knee and hip will be covered. Students will learn how to create a healthy scenario for clients with hip and knee issues and get pre and post operative suggestions for a client’s progressive home and studio regimen. The Gyrotonic pulley tower will be the primary equipment used, but the course will also explore how specialized equipment can assist with knee and hip issues. Specialized Equipment training is not a prerequisite for the course.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Lisa Marie Goodwin
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Juliu’s Wrapping System
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This course uses cloth wraps that are tied around the pelvis, torso, arms,or legs. These body wraps give clients the feeling of openness and freedom while also creating a sense of deep connection and power in the body.
This course focuses on three things:
-Developing the trainer's ability to ‘see’ his/her client
-Sequences with standing work
-Feeling what the wraps do to the body in movement.
Fulfills the following CEC:
Students in this course will learn how to translate that information to the client’s workout and will also learn to use the wraps for cueing.
Debra Rose
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD+ $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Martial Arts
This course was developed by Gyrotonic Master Trainers Billy Macagnone and Vincent Macagnone, who are both 6th degree black belts in Seido Karate with over 30 years training in the Martial Arts.
The unique exercises in this workshop are designed specifically for martial artists. The Gyrotonic Pulley Tower is used to teach, and reinforce Gyrotonic movement principles. The application of these principles will enhance all aspects of Martial Arts training. Benefits include- increased speed, agility, and flexibility, refined motor skills, expanded spatial awareness, greater brain-signal efficiency, increased reaction time, and greater muscular power. This workshop emphasizes working with the body in a balanced, and harmonious fashion which can help heal old injuries, and reduce the chance of future injuries.
Billy Macagnone, Vincent Macagnone
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Osteoporosis
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, Gyrotonic trainers learn the definition, incidence and physiology of Osteoporosis and how to help clients prevent osteoporosis fractures and falls using the Gyrotonic method. Trainers will learn how to read a bone density scan, how to recognize a client who may be at risk of developing Osteoporosis and some basic information about nutrition and medications. The course will also cover modifications of Gyrotonic Level I exercises for clients with Osteoporosis as well as programs to help prevent bone loss and falls.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Dr. Justine Bernard
3 Days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for the Pelvic Girdle
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This course was developed by Physiotherapist, Paul Horvath who has utilized the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis methods with orthopedic patients at the Rheintalklinik in Bad Krozingen, Germany. In this course students will review basic terms and anatomy associated with the pelvic girdle, and will learn about common pathologies of the lumbar spine, and the pelvic-leg axis. Students will build on this conceptual framework with practical Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis exercise applications.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Paul Horvath, Uwe Herbstreit. Luca Biasini, Victoriya Savelyeva, Arsinoi Tsakalogianni, Jovita Bonsiepe, Rita Renha, Roberta Quinn, Nancy Lepore, Robert Hlatky
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Runners
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
Human beings are born to run!
GYROTONIC® Applications for Runners is the ideal user guide for anatomically correct running - from beginners to professionals. In this course students learn how to prepare the body for a lifetime of efficient, injury-free, enjoyable running.
-Theoretical background
-Healthy running techniques
-Gyrotonic Pulley Tower exercise sequences for runners.
- A runner's warm up/aerobic sequence designed by Juliu Horvath.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Chantal Deeble, Robert Meggle
3 days
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Scoliosis
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer and successful completion of either the GYROTONIC® Applications for the Pelvic Girdle Course or GYROTONIC® Applications for the Shoulder Girdle Course
This course was developed by Physiotherapist, Paul Horvath who has utilized the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis methods with orthopedic patients at the Rheintalklinik in Bad Krozingen, Germany. In this course students will review basic terms and anatomy associated with Scoliosis. Students will learn about common patterns associated with Scoliosis and will build on this conceptual framework with practical Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis exercise applications.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Paul Horvath, Uwe Herbstreit, Luca Biasini, Victoriya Savelyeva, Arsinoi Tsakalogianni, Jovita Bonsiepe, Rita Renha, Roberta Quinn, Nancy Lepore, Robert Hlatky
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for the Shoulder Girdle
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
Recommended: Completion of GYROTONIC® Applications for the Pelvic Girdle Course
This course was developed by Physiotherapist, Paul Horvath who has utilized the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis methods with orthopedic patients at the Rheintalklinik in Bad Krozingen, Germany. In this course students will review basic terms and anatomy associated with the cervical spine and shoulder-arm axis. Students will learn about common pathologies of the cervical spine, and the shoulder-arm axis and will build on this conceptual framework with practical Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis exercise applications.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Paul Horvath, Uwe Herbstreit, Luca Biasini, Victoriya Savelyeva, Arsinoi Tsakalogianni, Jovita Bonsiepe, Rita Renha, Roberta Quinn, Nancy Lepore, Robert Hlatky
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD+ $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Exploration into the Extremes
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, students will be guided through a series of exercises on the Gyrotonic Pulley Tower, exploring additional ways of accessing the depths of their structure. Exercise sequences will gradually progress from warm-up and preparation exercises, to mobilizing, restructuring and strengthening exercises. There will be time for learning the details while experimenting with exercise intensity. Each participant will be seen as an individual on his/her own unique journey, according to his/her abilities, and goals - "the Extremes" is a relative term.
The material presented in this course will further enhance one’s experience with the Gyrotonic Method, benefitting Trainers, as well as their clients. A workout following these sequences will leave students feeling balanced, strong, and grounded.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Abel Horvath
4 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $700 USD
- Europe/UK €700
- AUS/NZ $700 AUD= $175 USD
- Other $700
GYROTONIC® Level 1 as a Musical Journey
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, an original musical score, created by Gyrotonic Method creator, Juliu Horvath, in collaboration with musician, Rodolfo Troncoso, guides movers through a fluid, continuous stream of Gyrotonic Level 1 exercise sequences. The rhythm, and tone of each song resonates with the specific timing, and intention of the movement it accompanies. This harmonic synchrony enhances the depth of the Gyrotonic exercise experience. The Gyrotonic Level 1 exercise curriculum, intermediate exercise sequences, and the Gyrotonic Nerve Strengthening Sequence, are all included in this course.
Participants receive a course manual, and music download. DVDs are also available (exclusively for course participants) to purchase.
Fulfills the following CECs:
A Gyrotonic Specialized Master Trainer
6 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $1050 USD
- Europe/UK €1050
- AUS/NZ $1050 AUD + $262 USD
- Other $1050
GYROTONIC® Level 1 Update Course
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
In this course, students will review the most current Level I Foundation Course curriculum, refining existing skills and learning about Juliu’s newest approach regarding the Level I curriculum. In addition to practicing the level I exercises, students will expand on teaching, and cueing skills.
Fulfills the following CECs:
A Gyrotonic Master Trainer
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Pre-Training Course
Must be a licensed Gyrotonic Level 1 Trainer (successfully complete the final certificate course) for a minimum of 4 months before registering for this course.
This three day course introduces Gyrotonic Trainers to the Level 2, program 1 exercises and prepares them for the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 1 course. Students will complete the level 2, program 1 course within one year after completing this pre-training course.
Fulfills the following CECs:
A Gyrotonic Level 2 Master Trainer
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Course
In this course Gyrotonic Trainers learn the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 1 exercise sequences. The course builds on the level Gyrotonic, Level I curriculum, by introducing more challenging, endurance building exercise sequences including: an advanced hamstring series with a focus on cardiovascular endurance, an advanced handle unit series in multiple standing positions, and handle unit sequences in more challenging variations of the level 1 sitting positions, a level 2 traction series, an advanced upper body series in standing positions , and an advanced abdominal series.
Successful completion of the Gyrotonic, Level 2, Program 1 Pre-Training course.
A Gyrotonic Level 2 Master Trainer
4 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $700 USD
- Europe/UK €700
- AUS/NZ $700 AUD + $175 USD
- Other $700 USD
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Refresher Course
In this Course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn Juliu's most up to date additions, & changes to the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 1 exercise sequences.
Successfully completion of the Gyrotonic, Level 2, Program 1 Course after 2012. Those who took the Gyrotonic Level 2 Course prior to 2012 should take the full Gyrotonic Level 2 course(s) for review, as the course curriculum significantly changed in 2012.
A Gyrotonic Level 2 Master Trainer
2 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $350
- Europe/UK €350
- AUS/NZ $350 AUD + $87 USD
- Other $350
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Pre-Training Course
Must be a licensed Gyrotonic Level 1 Trainer (successfully complete the final certificate course) for a minimum of 4 months before registering for this course.
This three day course introduces Gyrotonic Trainers to the Level 2, program 2 exercises and prepares them for the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 2 Course.
Students will complete the level 2, program 2 course within one year after completing this pre-training course.
A Gyrotonic Level 2 Master Trainer
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Course
In this Course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 2 exercise sequences. This course builds on the Gyrotonic, Level 1 exercise curriculum by introducing exercise sequences that are more demanding in regards to strength, flexibility, and coordination. Exercise sequences include: an advanced handle unit series with emphasis on flexibility, and strength, an advanced hamstring series with an emphasis on flexibility, and strength, two advanced, standing, upper body sequences, an advanced floor work series, and an advanced abdominal series with an emphasis on flexibility and strength.
Successful completion of the Gyrotonic, Level 2, Program 2 Pre-Training Course.
Fulfills the following CECs:
A Gyrotonic Level 2 Master Trainer
4 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $700
- Europe/UK €700
- AUS/NZ $700 AUD + $175 USD
- Other $700 USD
GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Refresher Course
In this Course, Gyrotonic Trainers learn Juliu's most up to date additions, & changes to the Gyrotonic Level 2, Program 2 exercise sequences.
Must have completed the Gyrotonic, Level 2, Program 2 Course after 2012. Those who took the Gyrotonic Level 2 Course prior to 2012 should take the full Gyrotonic Level 2 course(s) for review, as the course curriculum significantly changed in 2012.
Fulfills the following CECs:
A Gyrotonic Level 2 Master Trainer
2 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $350
- Europe/UK €350
- AUS/NZ $350 AUD + $87 USD
- Other $350
GYROTONIC® Pathways of the Shoulders, Hips, and Spine
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This course will explore the pathways of the shoulder, hip, and spine from the perspective of the Gyrotonic method. A moving skeleton is used to explore the biomechanics of these pathways in depth, looking at them as both isolated and integrated systems. Trainers learn how to utilize Gyrokinesis and Gyrotonic exercises to effectively develop the pathways. The Gyrotonic pulley tower, and specialized equipment are all utilized in this course, with an emphasis on sequencing, timing, and tactile cueing.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Angela Crowley
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Pre and Post Natal Applications
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
The objective of the GYROTONIC® Pre and Post Natal Applications is to educate, prepare and inspire trainers to feel confident in creating a safe and empowering workout experience for their pre and post natal clients. The Gyrotonic Trainer's goal is to provide physical awareness, balance, comfort and strength throughout this deeply transformative phase in a woman's life. In this course, trainers will learn about gestation and anatomy, changes during pregnancy, benefits of exercising and the application of Gyrotonic principles to the three trimesters and the postpartum phase.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Christina Stroh, Valeria Paes Mauriz, Gina Paolillo
3 days
- Europe/UK €525
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer Update Course
GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer
In this course Gyrotonic Pre-Trainers review the course curriculum, verbal and tactile cues and other teaching tools that are utilized in the Gyrotonic Pre-Training Course.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Other: NPCP CECs- 15
Gyrotonic Master Trainer
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Principles Applied to Dynamic Trunk Stabilization
Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer
This course provides a conscious experience of core connections to the 3 dimensional body. Using current movement science, the course will touch upon anatomical and neurological concepts and how they relate to a moving body and to what one is feeling during movement.
Adapted exercises promote sensory awareness. Students deepen their comprehension of concepts such as “connecting the ribcage”, “softening the sternum,” “engaging the armpit” and ultimately “narrowing” and “suppling.”
This course will lead to a deeper experience of the Gyrotonic Method's unique and masterful approach to "rethink" the body- not a bi-dimensional body, but rather a tri-dimensional body, a body that functions organically, and that moves from within.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Rita Renha
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Principles in the Context of Osteopathy
This course offers interpretations of the Gyrotonic method from an osteopathic point of view. A bridge between these two methods is created by offering a summary of Osteopathic theories and teaching practical Gyrotonic exercises applications to effectively address those theories. ? Trainers will learn exercise applications that can be applied on both the Gyrotonic Pulley Tower, and on the mat. Examples of the osteopathic approach to problems of restriction of movements (articular, muscular, visceral…) will be reviewed. Students don’t need medical knowledge to participate.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Sylvia Frosali
3 days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Psoas Principles
This course provides a movement practice that cultivates increased awareness of the iliopsoas complex from the point of view of the GYROTONIC® Method. The course includes layered anatomical information that is linked to progressive movement explorations that release, and awaken the psoas muscle. The content of the course gives students a deeper understanding of Gyrotonic principles like "Supple-ing", and "Narrowing of the Pelvis". These preparations will be integrated into a Psoas specific, 90 minute Gyrotonic workout. The enhanced approach of the Psoas Principles course supports a deeply nourishing, efficient movement experience, and is especially beneficial for the healing of injuries, and trauma in the pelvic, and lumbar regions.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Juergen Bamberger
3 Days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD + $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROKINESIS® Rejuvenation Course
The Gyrokinesis Rejuvenation Course is conducted over 7 days, consisting of 6 days of classes, and 1 rest day. The course offers an opportunity for all participants to take time out from their busy teaching schedule and take care of themselves. It is "me" time.
Students take a deep dive into the restorative capacity of Gyrokinesis movement and breathing classes. The course setting (location, food, air quality and others) enhances the intention to recharge and restore.
This course is open to both Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Trainers.
A Gyrokinesis Master Trainer appointed by Juliu Horvath
6 Days/30 hours
- Europe/UK €1050
- AUS/NZ $1050 USD
- Other $1050 USD
- Other $$1050 USD
GYROTONIC® Wingmaster Course
This course material increases the vocabulary of exercises that are possible using the GYROTONIC® Wingmaster and the Pulley Tower. Trainers learn new ways to connect the Wingmaster to the Tower then take those movements and add total body connectivity and strength. Pushing and pulling, upper body strengthening exercises are combined with lower body strength movement, like squats and lunges. The exercises in this course can be applied to clients of various ability levels, from seniors with strength and/or mobility limitations to athletes seeking to increase total body conditioning and coordination.
Fulfills the following CECs:
Mike Luque
3 Days
- USA/CAN/Asia $525 USD
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD+ $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
GYROTONIC® Applications for Paraplegic Spinal Cord Injuries
In this course, exercise sequences based upon GYROTONIC® principles are used to address the needs of clients with spine cord injuries. Topics covered in this course include:
-What is a spinal lesion (spinal cord injury)
-Common challenges that a trainer can expect to encounter working with a client with paraplegia
-How both trainer and client can work safely in a Gyrotonic session
-Concerns and questions trainers have about working with a client who has a spinal cord injury
-Addressing the clients fears and perceived limitations
-Safe and effective exercise modifications and sequences
Fulfills the following CECs:
Igor Abba
3 days
- Europe/UK €525
- AUS/NZ $525 AUD+ $131 USD
- Other $525 USD
*These prices are for courses taken in 2025 and are subject to change. Prices do not reflect any studio fees that may be charged separately by the course host.
**Other regions: Central America, South America, Africa, Turkey, India, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon
Select a Course
(Scroll through our course selection)
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Breast Cancer
- GYROTONER® Program 1 Course
- GYROTONER® Program 2 Course
- GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 1
- GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 2
- GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 3
- The GYROTONIC® Method- Lost and Found
- GYROTONIC® Foundation Course (Re-Take)
- GYROTONIC® Level 1 Foundation Course
- GYROTONIC® Archway Level 1 Course
- GYROTONIC® Archway Level 1 Refresher Course
- GYROTONIC® Archway Level 2 Course
- GYROTONIC® Archway Level 2 Refresher Course
- GYROTONIC® Jumping-Stretching Board Course
- GYROTONIC® Jumping Stretching Board Refresher Course
- GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit Course
- GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit Refresher Course
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Dancers Level 1
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Dancers Level 2
- GYROTONIC® Applications For Equestrians
- GYROTONIC® Applications for the Fascial Body
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Golf
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Healing and Rejuvenating the Hands and Feet
- GYROTONIC® Applications for High Level Athletes
- GYROTONIC® Applications for the Hip and Knee
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Juliu’s Wrapping System
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Martial Arts
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Osteoporosis
- GYROTONIC® Applications for the Pelvic Girdle
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Runners
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Scoliosis
- GYROTONIC® Applications for the Shoulder Girdle
- GYROTONIC® Exploration into the Extremes
- GYROTONIC® Level 1 as a Musical Journey
- GYROTONIC® Level 1 Update Course
- GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Pre-Training Course
- GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Course
- GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 1 Refresher Course
- GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Pre-Training Course
- GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Course
- GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Refresher Course
- GYROTONIC® Pathways of the Shoulders, Hips, and Spine
- GYROTONIC® Pre and Post Natal Applications
- GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer Update Course
- GYROTONIC® Principles Applied to Dynamic Trunk Stabilization
- GYROTONIC® Principles in the Context of Osteopathy
- GYROTONIC® Psoas Principles
- GYROKINESIS® Rejuvenation Course
- GYROTONIC® Wingmaster Course
- GYROTONIC® Applications for Paraplegic Spinal Cord Injuries