Breathe Movement Studio Inc.
Breathe has been evolving from the very beginning. In 2008 it began in a corner of a small pilates studio with one Cobra tower for GYROTONIC® privates and a handful of GYROKINESIS® classes. In 2011 we moved to a larger location and opened our doors officially in the southtowns of Buffalo, NY. We joined Zelasko Soft Tissue & Spine and created what became an amazing wellness relationship with a fantastic Chiropractor & ART specialist. This allowed us to grow further adding another Cobra, a Leg Extension Unit, and an Archway.
Now located across the state in the beautiful town of Mamaroneck we hope that our new home will be as inviting and exciting as the rest of our journey has. The space is open and beautiful. We continue to grow and have added a Jumping-Stretch Board, GYROTONER®, a BioMat®, and we even have an Advanced Certified Rolfer on staff.
We look forward to seeing you in our new space soon!
love, laughter, & light
Meghan Anne
501 East Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
United States
4 GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower
1 GYROTONIC® Jumping Stretching Board
2 GYROTONIC® Leg Extension Unit
1 Archway
1 Ladders