GYROTONIC® Applications for Breast Cancer

Dynamic Arts

Mar 14, 2025 - Mar 16, 2025

Times and Studio fee TBD

Course fee $525 USD

This course will provide Gyrotonic Trainers a basic theoretical understanding of breast cancer and some practical tools to work with clients who are living with a breast cancer diagnosis. The theoretical understanding of Breast Cancer will include information about its origins, prevention, risk factors, anatomy, types of treatments and their consequences. In the practical part of the course, Trainers will learn 4 customizable exercise progressions that will empower them to better serve their clients/patients. They will learn Gyrokinesis homework sequences designed specifically for this population, and they will learn 4 new programs on the pulley tower. Those four programs will build upon each other, but they can also be presented independently, depending on the needs of each client.

You can register for this course by calling Anne Thomasson at 314-409-0229

Register by calling or emailing Dynamic Arts Freiburg

Kartäuserstr. 13, 79102 Freiburg
+49 761 5192410


Studio Address

Kartaeuserstr. 13
Freiburg, 79102

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“The ultimate aim is to be at home in one’s body, to be at one with the nature of oneself, and to experience exercise as a creative and delightful experience.”
– Juliu Horvath